module Free.CommutativeMonoid.Adjunction where
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; z≤n; s≤s) renaming (_<_ to _<ℕ_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties renaming (≤-refl to ≤ℕ-refl)
open import Data.Nat.Induction
open import Induction.WellFounded
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≤_)
open import Data.Bool.Properties using (push-function-into-if)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary hiding (NonEmpty; TotalOrder; Irrelevant)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (isEquivalence to ≡-isEquivalence)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable hiding (map)
open import Data.FreshList.InductiveInductive
open import Free.CommutativeMonoid.Base
open import Free.CommutativeMonoid.Properties
open import Category.Base
open import Algebra.Structure.OICM
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
record OrderedCommutativeMonoid : Set₁ where
constructor MkOCM
Carrier : Set
_≤_ : Carrier → Carrier → Set
_∙_ : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier
ε : Carrier
proof : IsOrderedCommutativeMonoid _≡_ _≤_ _∙_ ε
open IsOrderedCommutativeMonoid public
open OrderedCommutativeMonoid
record OcmMorphism (A B : OrderedCommutativeMonoid) : Set where
constructor MkOcmMorphism
module A = OrderedCommutativeMonoid A
module B = OrderedCommutativeMonoid B
fun : Carrier A → Carrier B
preserves-ε : fun (A.ε) ≡ B.ε
preserves-∙ : ∀ x y → fun (x A.∙ y) ≡ (fun x) B.∙ (fun y)
open OcmMorphism
ocm-id : ∀ {A} → OcmMorphism A A
fun ocm-id =
preserves-ε ocm-id = refl
preserves-∙ ocm-id _ _ = refl
ocm-comp : ∀ {A B C} → OcmMorphism A B → OcmMorphism B C → OcmMorphism A C
fun (ocm-comp f g) = (fun g) ∘ (fun f)
preserves-ε (ocm-comp f g) = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-ε f)) (preserves-ε g)
preserves-∙ (ocm-comp f g) _ _ = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-∙ f _ _)) (preserves-∙ g _ _)
eqOcmMorphism : Extensionality _ _ →
∀ {A B} → {f g : OcmMorphism A B} → fun f ≡ fun g → f ≡ g
eqOcmMorphism ext {A} {B} {MkOcmMorphism .f refl p∙} {MkOcmMorphism f q q∙} refl
= cong₂ (MkOcmMorphism f) (uipB refl q) (ext λ x → ext λ y → uipB (p∙ x y) (q∙ x y))
uipB = ≡-prop (IsOrderedCommutativeMonoid.isPDTO (proof B))
OCM : Extensionality _ _ → Category
Category.Obj (OCM ext) = OrderedCommutativeMonoid
Category.Hom (OCM ext) = OcmMorphism (OCM ext) = ocm-id
Category.comp (OCM ext) = ocm-comp
Category.assoc (OCM ext) = eqOcmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityˡ (OCM ext) = eqOcmMorphism ext refl
Category.identityʳ (OCM ext) = eqOcmMorphism ext refl
record PropDecTotalOrder : Set₁ where
constructor MkTo
Carrier : Set
_≤_ : Carrier → Carrier → Set
proof : IsPropDecTotalOrder _≡_ _≤_
open PropDecTotalOrder
PDTO : Category
Category.Obj PDTO = PropDecTotalOrder
Category.Hom PDTO X Y = Carrier X → Carrier Y PDTO = id
Category.comp PDTO f g = g ∘ f
Category.assoc PDTO = refl
Category.identityˡ PDTO = refl
Category.identityʳ PDTO = refl
open Functor
FORGET : (@0 ext : Extensionality _ _) → Functor (OCM ext) PDTO
act (FORGET _) (MkOCM X _≤_ _ _ proof) = MkTo X _≤_ (IsOrderedCommutativeMonoid.isPDTO proof)
fmap (FORGET _) f x = fun f x
identity (FORGET _) = refl
homomorphism (FORGET _) = refl
SL-map : (X Y : PropDecTotalOrder) → (Carrier X → Carrier Y) → SortedList (proof X) → SortedList (proof Y)
SL-map X Y f [] = []
SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs) = insert (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f xs)
SL-map-length : (X Y : PropDecTotalOrder) → (f : Carrier X → Carrier Y)
→ (xs : SortedList (proof X))
→ length xs ≡ length (SL-map X Y f xs)
SL-map-length X Y f [] = refl
SL-map-length X Y f (cons x xs x#xs) = trans (cong suc (SL-map-length X Y f xs)) (sym $ insert-length (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f xs) _)
SL-map-countlem : (X Y : PropDecTotalOrder) (f : Carrier X → Carrier Y)
→ (xs ys : SortedList (proof X))
→ (p : Acc _<ℕ_ (length xs + length ys))
→ (q : Acc _<ℕ_ (length (SL-map X Y f xs) + length (SL-map X Y f ys)))
→ (a : Carrier Y)
→ count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs ys p)) a
≡ count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) a + count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f ys) a
SL-map-countlem X Y f [] ys (acc p) (acc q) a = refl
SL-map-countlem X Y f (cons x xs x#xs) [] (acc p) (acc q) a = sym $ +-identityʳ _
SL-map-countlem X Y f (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc p) (acc q) a =
count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc p))) a
≡⟨ lem ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs) + (if does $ a =Y? (f y) then suc cfys else cfys)
(if does (a =Y? f x) then 1 + cfxs else 0 + cfxs) + (if does (a =Y? f y) then 1 + cfys else 0 + cfys)
≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ (sym $ push-function-into-if (_+ cfxs) (does $ a =Y? (f x))) (sym $ push-function-into-if (_+ cfys) (does $ a =Y? (f y))) ⟩
((if does (a =Y? (f x)) then 1 else 0) + cfxs) + ((if does (a =Y? (f y)) then 1 else 0) + cfys)
(cfx + cfxs) + (cfy + cfys)
≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ (sym $ ∪-countlem (proof Y) (f x ∷# []) (SL-map X Y f xs) _ a) (sym $ ∪-countlem (proof Y) (f y ∷# []) (SL-map X Y f ys) _ a) ⟩
count (proof Y) (union (proof Y) (f x ∷# []) (SL-map X Y f xs) _) a + count (proof Y) (union (proof Y) (f y ∷# []) (SL-map X Y f ys) _) a
count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs)) a + count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons y ys y#ys)) a
∎ where
open ≡-Reasoning
_=Y?_ = IsPropDecTotalOrder._≟_ (proof Y)
cfx = count (proof Y) (cons (f x) [] []) a
cfy = count (proof Y) (cons (f y) [] []) a
cfxs = count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) a
cfys = count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f ys) a
cfxfxs = count (proof Y) (insert (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f xs)) a
cfyfys = count (proof Y) (insert (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f ys)) a
acc1 : Acc _<ℕ_ (length (SL-map X Y f xs) + length (insert (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f ys)))
acc1 = p _ (s≤s (≤-reflexive (cong₂ _+_ (sym $ SL-map-length X Y f xs) (trans (insert-length (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f ys) _) (cong suc (sym $ SL-map-length X Y f ys))))))
acc2 : Acc _<ℕ_ (length (SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs)) + length (SL-map X Y f ys))
acc2 = p _ (s≤s (≤-reflexive (trans (cong₂ _+_ (trans (insert-length (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f xs) _) (cong suc (sym $ SL-map-length X Y f xs))) (sym $ SL-map-length X Y f ys))
(sym $ +-suc _ _))))
lem : count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc p))) a
≡ (if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs)
+ (if does $ a =Y? (f y) then suc cfys else cfys)
lem with (proof X) x y
... | inj₁ x≤y =
count (proof Y) (insert (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs (cons y ys y#ys) (p _ ≤ℕ-refl)))) a
≡⟨ insert-countlem (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs (cons y ys y#ys) _)) a _ ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x)
then suc (count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs (cons y ys y#ys) (p _ ≤ℕ-refl))) a)
else count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs (cons y ys y#ys) (p _ ≤ℕ-refl))) a)
≡⟨ cong (λ z → if (does $ a =Y? (f x)) then suc z else z) (SL-map-countlem X Y f xs (cons y ys y#ys) _ acc1 a) ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x)
then suc (cfxs + count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons y ys y#ys)) a)
else cfxs + count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons y ys y#ys)) a)
(if does $ a =Y? (f x) then ((suc cfxs) + cfyfys) else (cfxs + cfyfys))
≡⟨ (sym $ push-function-into-if (_+ cfyfys) (does $ a =Y? (f x))) ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs) + cfyfys
≡⟨ cong ((if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs) +_) (insert-countlem (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f ys) a _) ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs)
+ (if does $ a =Y? (f y) then suc cfys else cfys)
... | inj₂ y≤x =
count (proof Y) (insert (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) ys (p _ (s≤s (≤-reflexive (sym $ +-suc _ _))))))) a
≡⟨ insert-countlem (proof Y) (f y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) ys _)) a _ ⟩
(if (does $ a =Y? (f y))
then suc (count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) ys (p _ _))) a)
else count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) (cons x xs x#xs) ys (p _ _))) a)
≡⟨ cong (λ z → if (does $ a =Y? (f y)) then suc z else z) (SL-map-countlem X Y f (cons x xs x#xs) ys _ acc2 a) ⟩
(if (does $ a =Y? (f y))
then suc (count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs)) a + cfys)
else count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs)) a + cfys)
(if (does $ a =Y? (f y)) then ((suc cfxfxs) + cfys) else (cfxfxs + cfys))
≡⟨ cong (λ z → if does $ (a =Y? f y) then z else cfxfxs + cfys) (sym $ +-suc _ _) ⟩
(if (does $ a =Y? (f y)) then (cfxfxs + suc cfys ) else (cfxfxs + cfys))
≡⟨ (sym $ push-function-into-if (cfxfxs +_) (does $ a =Y? (f y))) ⟩
+ (if does $ a =Y? (f y) then suc cfys else cfys)
≡⟨ cong (_+ (if does $ (a =Y? f y) then suc cfys else cfys)) (insert-countlem (proof Y) (f x) (SL-map X Y f xs) a _) ⟩
(if does $ a =Y? (f x) then suc cfxs else cfxs)
+ (if does $ a =Y? (f y) then suc cfys else cfys)
SL-map-preserves-∪ : (X Y : PropDecTotalOrder) (f : Carrier X → Carrier Y)
→ (xs ys : SortedList (proof X))
→ (p : Acc _<ℕ_ (length xs + length ys)) (q : Acc _<ℕ_ (length (SL-map X Y f xs) + length (SL-map X Y f ys)))
→ SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs ys p)
≡ union (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) (SL-map X Y f ys) q
SL-map-preserves-∪ X Y f xs ys p q = eqCount→eq (proof Y) (lem X Y f xs ys p q) where
lem : (X Y : PropDecTotalOrder) (f : Carrier X → Carrier Y)
→ (xs ys : SortedList (proof X))
→ (p : Acc _<ℕ_ (length xs + length ys)) (q : Acc _<ℕ_ (length (SL-map X Y f xs) + length (SL-map X Y f ys)))
→ count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs ys p))
≗ count (proof Y) (union (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) (SL-map X Y f ys) q)
lem X Y f xs ys p q a =
count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f (union (proof X) xs ys p)) a
≡⟨ SL-map-countlem X Y f xs ys p q a ⟩
(count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) a) + (count (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f ys) a)
≡⟨ sym $ ∪-countlem (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) (SL-map X Y f ys) _ _ ⟩
count (proof Y) (union (proof Y) (SL-map X Y f xs) (SL-map X Y f ys) q) a
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
SL-map-id : (X : PropDecTotalOrder) (xs : SortedList (proof X))
→ SL-map X X id xs ≡ id xs
SL-map-id X [] = refl
SL-map-id X (cons x xs x#xs) = trans (cong (insert (proof X) x) (SL-map-id X xs)) (insert≡cons (proof X) x#xs _)
SL-map-comp : (X Y Z : PropDecTotalOrder) (f : Carrier X → Carrier Y) (g : Carrier Y → Carrier Z)
→ (xs : SortedList (proof X))
→ SL-map X Z (g ∘ f) xs ≡ SL-map Y Z g (SL-map X Y f xs)
SL-map-comp X Y Z f g [] = refl
SL-map-comp X Y Z f g (cons x xs x#xs) =
SL-map X Z (g ∘ f) (cons x xs x#xs)
union (proof Z) (cons (g (f x)) [] []) (SL-map X Z (λ x₁ → g (f x₁)) xs) _
≡⟨ union-cong (proof Z) {cons (g (f x)) [] []} _ _ refl (SL-map-comp X Y Z f g xs) ⟩
union (proof Z) (SL-map Y Z g (cons (f x) [] [])) (SL-map Y Z g (SL-map X Y f xs)) _
≡⟨ sym $ SL-map-preserves-∪ Y Z g (cons (f x) [] []) (SL-map X Y f xs) _ (<-wellFounded _) ⟩
SL-map Y Z g (SL-map X Y f (cons x xs x#xs))
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
SORTEDLIST : (ext : Extensionality _ _) → Functor PDTO (OCM ext)
act (SORTEDLIST ext) (MkTo X _≤_ proof) = MkOCM (SortedList proof) (_≤L_ proof) (_∪_ proof ) [] (SortedList-isOCM proof)
fmap (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} {Y} f = MkOcmMorphism (SL-map X Y f) refl (λ xs ys → SL-map-preserves-∪ X Y f xs ys _ _)
identity (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} = eqOcmMorphism ext (ext (SL-map-id X))
homomorphism (SORTEDLIST ext) {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g} = eqOcmMorphism ext (ext (SL-map-comp X Y Z f g))
open Adjunction
foldr-∙ : (A : PropDecTotalOrder) (B : OrderedCommutativeMonoid)
→ (Carrier A → Carrier B) → SortedList (proof A) → Carrier B
foldr-∙ A B f = foldr ((_∙_ B) ∘ f) (ε B)
foldr-∙-preserves-∙ : (A : PropDecTotalOrder) (B : OrderedCommutativeMonoid) (f : Carrier A → Carrier B)
→ (xs ys : SortedList (proof A)) (p : Acc _<ℕ_ (length xs + length ys))
→ foldr-∙ A B f (union (proof A) xs ys p)
≡ (_∙_ B) (foldr-∙ A B f xs) (foldr-∙ A B f ys)
foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f [] ys (acc p) = sym $ identityˡ (proof B) _
foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f (cons x xs x#xs) [] (acc p) = sym $ identityʳ (proof B) _
foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f (cons x xs x#xs) (cons y ys y#ys) (acc p) with (proof A) x y
... | inj₁ _ =
(f x) ∙' (foldr-∙ A B f (union (proof A) xs (cons y ys y#ys) (p (length xs + (suc $ length ys)) (s≤s (≤-reflexive refl)))))
≡⟨ cong (f x ∙'_) (foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f xs (cons y ys y#ys) _) ⟩
(f x) ∙' (fxs ∙' ((f y) ∙' fys))
≡⟨ sym $ assoc (proof B) _ _ _ ⟩
((f x) ∙' fxs) ∙' ((f y) ∙' fys)
∎ where
open ≡-Reasoning
_∙'_ = _∙_ B
fxs = foldr (λ a as → f a ∙' as) (ε B) xs
fys = foldr (λ a as → f a ∙' as) (ε B) ys
... | inj₂ _ =
(f y) ∙' (foldr-∙ A B f (union (proof A) (cons x xs x#xs) ys (p (length (cons x xs x#xs) + length ys) (s≤s (≤-reflexive (sym (+-suc (length xs) (length ys))))))))
≡⟨ cong (f y ∙'_) (foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f (cons x xs x#xs) ys _) ⟩
(f y ∙' (((f x) ∙' fxs) ∙' fys))
≡⟨ sym $ assoc (proof B) _ _ _ ⟩
((f y ∙' ((f x) ∙' fxs)) ∙' fys)
≡⟨ cong (_∙' fys) (comm (proof B) _ _) ⟩
(((f x) ∙' fxs) ∙' (f y)) ∙' fys
≡⟨ assoc (proof B) _ _ _ ⟩
((f x) ∙' fxs) ∙' ((f y) ∙' fys)
∎ where
open ≡-Reasoning
_∙'_ = _∙_ B
fxs = foldr-∙ A B f xs
fys = foldr-∙ A B f ys
SL-Adjunction : (ext : Extensionality _ _) → (SORTEDLIST ext) ⊣ (FORGET ext)
to (SL-Adjunction ext) f x = fun f (cons x [] [])
from (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f = MkOcmMorphism (foldr-∙ A B f) refl (λ xs ys → foldr-∙-preserves-∙ A B f xs ys _)
left-inverse-of (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} h = eqOcmMorphism ext (ext $ foldr-universal
(fun h)
(λ x → B ∙ fun h (cons x [] []))
(ε B)
(preserves-ε h)
(λ x xs x#xs → trans (cong (fun h) (sym $ insert≡cons (proof A) x#xs _)) (preserves-∙ h (cons x [] []) xs)))
right-inverse-of (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} k = ext (λ x → identityʳ (proof B) (k x) )
to-natural (SL-Adjunction ext) {A} {B} f g = ext (λ _ → refl)