module Free.PointedSet.Adjunction where

open import Level
open import Algebra.Definitions
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Const

open import Data.FreshList.InductiveInductive
open import Free.PointedSet.Base
open import Free.PointedSet.Properties

open import Category.Base

open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional

-- Category of pointed set --

record PointedSet : Set₁ where
  constructor PSet
    Carrier : Set
    ε : Carrier
    isSet : Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = Carrier})
open PointedSet

record PointedSetMorphism (A B : PointedSet) : Set where
  constructor PSetMorphism
    module A = PointedSet A
    module B = PointedSet B
    fun : Carrier A  Carrier B
    preserves-ε : fun (A.ε)  B.ε
open PointedSetMorphism

eqPsetMorphism :  {A B}  {f g : PointedSetMorphism A B}  fun f  fun g  f  g
eqPsetMorphism {A} {B} {PSetMorphism .f refl} {PSetMorphism f q} refl
  = cong (PSetMorphism f) (isSet B refl q)

pset-id :  {A}  PointedSetMorphism A A pset-id =
PointedSetMorphism.preserves-ε pset-id = refl

pset-comp :  {A B C}  PointedSetMorphism A B  PointedSetMorphism B C  PointedSetMorphism A C (pset-comp f g) = (fun g)  (fun f)
PointedSetMorphism.preserves-ε (pset-comp f g) = trans (cong (fun g) (preserves-ε f)) (preserves-ε g)

PSET : Category
Category.Obj PSET = PointedSet
Category.Hom PSET = PointedSetMorphism PSET = pset-id
Category.comp PSET = pset-comp
Category.assoc PSET = eqPsetMorphism refl
Category.identityˡ PSET = eqPsetMorphism refl
Category.identityʳ PSET = eqPsetMorphism refl

-- Forgetful functor --

open Functor

act FORGET x = hset (Carrier x) (isSet x)
fmap FORGET f x = (fun f) x
identity FORGET = refl
homomorphism FORGET = refl

-- Free functor --

Maybe' : hSet  PointedSet
Carrier (Maybe' X) = Maybe (hSet.Carrier X)
ε (Maybe' X) = []
isSet (Maybe' X) = MaybehSet (hSet.isSet X)

fmap-maybe : {X Y : hSet}  (hSet.Carrier X  hSet.Carrier Y)  PointedSetMorphism (Maybe' X) (Maybe' Y)
fun (fmap-maybe f) = map-maybe f
preserves-ε (fmap-maybe f) = refl

MAYBE : (ext : Extensionality _ _)  Functor HSET PSET
act (MAYBE ext) X = Maybe' X
fmap (MAYBE ext) = fmap-maybe
identity (MAYBE ext) = eqPsetMorphism (ext  { []  refl ; (just x)  refl}))
homomorphism (MAYBE ext) = eqPsetMorphism (ext  { []  refl ; (just x)  refl}))

-- Adjunction --

open Adjunction

PSetAdjunction : (ext : Extensionality _ _)  (MAYBE ext)  FORGET
to (PSetAdjunction ext) f x = fun f (just x)
fun (from (PSetAdjunction ext) {B = B} f) [] = ε B
fun (from (PSetAdjunction ext) f) (just x) = f x
preserves-ε (from (PSetAdjunction ext) f) = refl
left-inverse-of (PSetAdjunction ext) h = eqPsetMorphism (ext  λ { []  sym $ preserves-ε h ; (just x)  refl})
right-inverse-of (PSetAdjunction ext) k = refl
to-natural (PSetAdjunction ext) f g = refl