module OrderingPrinciple.Base where
open import Algebra
open import Function as F hiding (id)
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (isEquivalence to ≡-isEquivalence)
open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
open import Category.Base
open import Algebra.Structure.OICM
open import Free.IdempotentCommutativeMonoid.Adjunction
NaturalIso : {C D : Category} → (F G : Functor C D) → Set₁
NaturalIso {C} {D} F G = Σ[ F⇒G ∈ NaturalTransformation F G ] Σ[ F⇐G ∈ NaturalTransformation G F ]
(∀ (X : Obj C) → comp D (transform F⇒G X) (transform F⇐G X) ≡ id D × comp D (transform F⇐G X) (transform F⇒G X) ≡ id D)
open Category
open NaturalTransformation
IsEquiv : {C D : Category} → Functor C D → Set₁
IsEquiv {C} {D} F = Σ[ G ∈ Functor D C ] (NaturalIso (compFunctor F G) (idFunctor {C}) × NaturalIso (compFunctor G F) (idFunctor {D}))
open Category
open Functor
module _ where
open Functor
act FORGETSTO (MkSto X _<_ proof) = hset X (Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs.Decidable⇒UIP.≡-irrelevant (IsPropStrictTotalOrder._≟_ proof))
fmap FORGETSTO f = f
identity FORGETSTO = refl
homomorphism FORGETSTO = refl
FORGETOICM : (@0 ext : Extensionality _ _) → Functor (OICM ext) (ICM ext)
act (FORGETOICM ext) (MkOicm X _<_ _∙_ ε proof) = MkIcm X _∙_ ε (Algebra.Structure.OICM.IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid.isICM proof) (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop (IsOrderedIdempotentCommutativeMonoid.isSTO proof))
fmap (FORGETOICM ext) (MkOicmMorphism f preserves-ε preserves-∙) = MkIcmMorphism f preserves-ε preserves-∙
identity (FORGETOICM ext) = refl
homomorphism (FORGETOICM ext) = refl
OrderingPrinciple : Set₁
OrderingPrinciple = (X : Set) → Irrelevant (_≡_ {A = X}) → Σ[ _<_ ∈ (X → X → Set) ] (IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_)
module _ where
open Functor
FREE-STO : OrderingPrinciple → Functor HSET STO
act (FREE-STO OP) (hset X X-set) =
let (_<_ , proof) = OP X X-set in MkSto X _<_ proof
fmap (FREE-STO OP) f = f
identity (FREE-STO OP) = refl
homomorphism (FREE-STO OP) = refl
OP-gives-STO≃Set : OrderingPrinciple → IsEquiv FORGETSTO
OP-gives-STO≃Set OP = FREE-STO OP ,
(record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl) ,
(record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl)
FREE-OICM : (@0 ext : Extensionality _ _) → OrderingPrinciple → Functor (ICM ext) (OICM ext)
act (FREE-OICM ext OP) (MkIcm X _∙_ ε isICM ≡-prop) =
let (_<_ , isSTO) = OP X ≡-prop in MkOicm X _<_ _∙_ ε (record { isICM = isICM ; isSTO = isSTO })
fmap (FREE-OICM ext OP) (MkIcmMorphism f preserves-ε preserves-∙) = MkOicmMorphism f preserves-ε preserves-∙
identity (FREE-OICM ext OP) = refl
homomorphism (FREE-OICM ext OP) = refl
OP-gives-OICM≃ICM : (ext : Extensionality _ _) → OrderingPrinciple → IsEquiv (FORGETOICM ext)
OP-gives-OICM≃ICM ext OP = FREE-OICM ext OP ,
(record { transform = λ X → MkOicmMorphism refl (λ x y → refl) ; natural = λ X Y f → eqOicmMorphism ext refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → MkOicmMorphism refl (λ x y → refl) ; natural = λ X Y f → eqOicmMorphism ext refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl) ,
(record { transform = λ X → MkIcmMorphism refl (λ x y → refl) ; natural = λ X Y f → eqIcmMorphism ext refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → MkIcmMorphism refl (λ x y → refl) ; natural = λ X Y f → eqIcmMorphism ext refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl)
STO≃Set-gives-OP : IsEquiv FORGETSTO → OrderingPrinciple
STO≃Set-gives-OP (FORGETSTO⁻¹ , ((η , (η⁻¹ , η-inv)) , (ε , (ε⁻¹ , ε-inv)))) X X-set = _<_ , proof
open NaturalTransformation
XX = hset X X-set
X' = PropStrictTotalOrder.Carrier (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ XX)
_<'_ = PropStrictTotalOrder._<_ (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ XX)
proof' = PropStrictTotalOrder.proof (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ XX)
isSTO' = IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof'
_<_ : X → X → Set
x < y = transform ε⁻¹ XX x <' transform ε⁻¹ XX y
proof : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_
IsStrictTotalOrder.isEquivalence (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) = ≡-isEquivalence
IsStrictTotalOrder.trans (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) {i} i<j j<k = IsStrictTotalOrder.trans isSTO' i<j j<k (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) x y with isSTO' (transform ε⁻¹ XX x) (transform ε⁻¹ XX y)
... | tri< x<y ¬x=y' ¬y<x = tri< x<y (λ x=y → ¬x=y' (cong (transform ε⁻¹ XX) x=y)) ¬y<x
... | tri≈ ¬x<y x=y' ¬y<x = tri≈ ¬x<y (trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv XX)))) (trans (cong (transform ε XX) x=y') (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv XX))))) ¬y<x
... | tri> ¬x<y ¬x=y' y<x = tri> ¬x<y (λ x=y → ¬x=y' (cong (transform ε⁻¹ XX) x=y)) y<x
IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop proof = X-set
IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop proof = IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop proof'
OrderingPrinciple' : Set₁
OrderingPrinciple' = (X : Set) → Σ[ _<_ ∈ (X → X → Set) ] (IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_)
Functor.act FORGETSTO' (MkSto X _<_ proof) = X
Functor.fmap FORGETSTO' f = f
Functor.identity FORGETSTO' = refl
Functor.homomorphism FORGETSTO' = refl
FREE-STO' : OrderingPrinciple' → Functor TYPE STO
Functor.act (FREE-STO' op) X =
let (_<_ , proof) = op X in MkSto X _<_ proof
Functor.fmap (FREE-STO' op) f = f
Functor.identity (FREE-STO' op) = refl
Functor.homomorphism (FREE-STO' op) = refl
OP-gives-STO≃Set' : OrderingPrinciple' → IsEquiv FORGETSTO'
OP-gives-STO≃Set' OP = FREE-STO' OP ,
(record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl) ,
(record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
record { transform = λ X → ; natural = λ X Y f → refl } ,
λ X → refl , refl)
STO≃Set-gives-OP' : IsEquiv FORGETSTO' → OrderingPrinciple'
STO≃Set-gives-OP' (FORGETSTO⁻¹ , ((η , (η⁻¹ , η-inv)) , (ε , (ε⁻¹ , ε-inv)))) X = _<_ , proof
open NaturalTransformation
X' = PropStrictTotalOrder.Carrier (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ X)
_<'_ = PropStrictTotalOrder._<_ (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ X)
proof' = PropStrictTotalOrder.proof (Functor.act FORGETSTO⁻¹ X)
isSTO' = IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof'
_<_ : X → X → Set
x < y = transform ε⁻¹ X x <' transform ε⁻¹ X y
proof : IsPropStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_
IsStrictTotalOrder.isEquivalence (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) = ≡-isEquivalence
IsStrictTotalOrder.trans (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) {i} i<j j<k = IsStrictTotalOrder.trans isSTO' i<j j<k (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.isSTO proof) x y with isSTO' (transform ε⁻¹ X x) (transform ε⁻¹ X y)
... | tri< x<y ¬x=y' ¬y<x = tri< x<y (λ x=y → ¬x=y' (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) x=y)) ¬y<x
... | tri≈ ¬x<y x=y' ¬y<x = tri≈ ¬x<y (trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X)))) (trans (cong (transform ε X) x=y') (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))) ¬y<x
... | tri> ¬x<y ¬x=y' y<x = tri> ¬x<y (λ x=y → ¬x=y' (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) x=y)) y<x
IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop proof {x} {y} p q = lemma (IsPropStrictTotalOrder.≈-prop proof' (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) p) (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) q))
whisker : ∀ p → p ≡ trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X)))) (trans (cong (transform ε X) (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) p)) (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))
whisker refl = sym (trans-symˡ (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))
lemma : cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) p ≡ cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) q → p ≡ q
lemma p=q' = begin
≡⟨ whisker p ⟩
trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X)))) (trans (cong (transform ε X) (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) p)) (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))
≡⟨ cong (λ z → trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X)))) (trans (cong (transform ε X) z) (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))) p=q' ⟩
trans (sym (cong (_$ x) (proj₂ (ε-inv X)))) (trans (cong (transform ε X) (cong (transform ε⁻¹ X) q)) (cong (_$ y) (proj₂ (ε-inv X))))
≡⟨ sym (whisker q) ⟩
∎ where open ≡-Reasoning
IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop proof = IsPropStrictTotalOrder.<-prop proof'